My Journey To Islam
Photo by TubaBeSnappin
Written by Christopher Richardson
Last year i decided to revert to Islam the most beautiful thing I’ve ever decided to do in my life. Finding God is a beautiful thing but it’s also complex and challenging, especially for a revert/convert to Islam in America. Ironically enough the first person to do the call to prayer was a black slave named Bilal - so as a black person in the United States it’s interesting to see not just how others view and interact with Islam, but in particular other black people.
To me it feels like when it comes to religion and black people in this country it’s the Christian church or nothing and I feel that’s why most don’t bother to take a look into what Islam could offer. I was blessed with a great mom who was way open to the idea of my revert and what could come for her son. The terrorist jokes, the looks and the discrimination that comes along wh the Kufi i choose to wear. Islam was always something I knew of, outside of knowing about the FOI (Fruit of Islam) and NOI (Nation of Islam) and figureheads like Elijah Muhammad and Louis Farrakhan, i didn’t know shit honestly besides that wasn’t true Islam.
My first introduction to Islam was when i was in North Carolina and i heard the Adhan (call of prayer) it brought me a different type of peace from the first time i heard it. It made me think about the talks i had about Islam with Sana’a & Wafaa, nothing in depth but enough for me to stay interested along my journey. I then met Habibti or Hajer and she along with her aunt or Khaltie, answered all the questions i ever had about Islam and I loved that they always had an answer. Like no matter what, if it wasn’t her, it was alibi being sent from a scholar and i found real comfort in that. So after years of playing around with it, i finally decided to take my shahada, accepting Allah as the only God and Muhammad as His Messenger.
In all of my years, I’ve never felt more complete or proud of myself than i have since that day I decided to go on my journey in Islam . Reciting my shahada alone made me have faith in Allah because I’ve never spoken Arabic before that day and don’t have the throat for the language but with the guidance of Allah and Habibti I was able to get through it, no stumbling, and accept Allah. With her as a witness (contesting) and coaching me, i cried in her arms and that brought a certain level of peace.
Like damn, i did it and with her by my side. Shit was lit.
But with my “new life” comes new responsibilities. Like how to treat your parents and your partner, how to be patient, the importance of intention, It showed me I’m not the man i thought i was, shit, it showed me I’m not a man at all. Islam made me break myself down to the root and take a real look at who I was, and it made me realize i didn’t like what i saw.
It also showed me that I’m better this year than last. Islam brought me the woman that I’ll one day marry, in Shaa Allah. Islam is just perfect and i honestly took it for granted, used it for my down times instead of all the time, Alhamdoulilah for everything moe. Islam taught me to thank Allah for it all - ups and downs. The downs are just lessons. Allah been learning me and will continue to do so, in Shaa Allah.
And my first year was a crash course on that. I appreciate those that read this, it was cool. I need to get back on my Dīn tho.
Walaikum Salam,
Musa Abdullah.